Mid Argyll Agricultural Society Constitution and Rules NAME - The name of the society shall be the Mid Argyll Agricultural Society.
MEMBERSHIP - Membership is open to anyone on payment of the Annual Subscription.
OBJECTIVES - The objectives of the Society shall include the advancement of practical and scientific agriculture; the improvement of the different breeds of livestock and the promotion of all matters of interest and education to the agricultural community. The means employed for these purposes shall be:- Annual Shows, Grain and Root Competitions, Ploughing Matches, Home Arts, Exhibitions, Lectures, Addresses and other measures calculated to advance the interest of agriculture and of the agricultural community in the district including the promotion and furtherance of “Young Farmers” clubs. These objectives shall be carried out by means recognised by law as charitable and not otherwise.
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION - The Annual Subscription of a Member shall be such sum as may be fixed by the Society at an Annual General Meeting.
OFFICE BEARERS - The Office Bearers shall consist of:- an Honorary President, up to six Honorary Vice Presidents, the President, Vice President and no maximum members of Committee. There shall also be a Secretary or Secretaries and a Treasurer, which offices may be held by one or more persons, and also an Auditor. These Office Bearers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting in each year. Honorary Members may be elected onto the General Committee.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year, not later than 30th November, under chairmanship of the President or Vice President. The date and place of this meeting shall be fixed by the President, whom failing, by the Vice President.
The business of the meeting shall include the following as well as any other competent business:- - Statement of Financial Accounts to 30th September previous.
- Election of Honorary President, Honorary Vice Presidents, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and the Committee Members for the ensuing year, also an Auditor.
- Date of Annual Show shall be fixed. All other arrangements for the Show to be left to the General Committee.
- AGM to be advertised two weeks prior.
- Members of the public can voice their opinion but only paid up members have a vote.
- Any amendments to Constitution and Rules to be advised to Secretary seven days before the AGM.
- The President and Vice President shall retire on completion of two years in office, and may be eligible for re-election only under exceptional circumstances.
The Annual General Meeting shall have authority to remit any matters of business to the Committee or to a Sub-Committee with powers. POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE AND SUB-COMMITTEES - The President shall be entitled to call a Special General Meeting or a meeting of Committee at any time, and shall be bound to do so within fourteen days on receiving a written request signed by four members of Committee or by ten members for the propose of disposing of any urgent matters. In the event of the President being unable to act these powers shall devolve on the Vice President.
- The Society as well as the Committee shall have the authority to appoint Sub-Committees and to remit to them such matters of business with powers as they think proper.
QUORUM - At General Meetings of the Society, ten Members shall form a quorum. At Meetings of Committee, five Members (some of which must be office bearers) shall form a quorum. The Chairman for the time at General Meetings and Committee Meetings shall have both a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
SECRETARY AND TREASURER - The Secretary shall keep a Register of the Members of the Society as well as a Minute Book in which shall be recorded the Constitution and Rules and Regulations of the Society together with all bye-laws as well as a record of the proceedings of the Society and of the Committee. The Register and Minute Book shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Committee and Officer Bearers. The Secretary shall call and attend all meetings of the Society and of the Committee. He/shall shall also keep and file away a catalogue duly marked, containing a record of the year’s prize winners and also a copy of the prize list for each year.
- The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and all monies due to the Society at the earliest possible date in each year. He/she shall keep proper cash books and financial records and a Register of Members with a record of subscriptions. He/she shall pay all accounts, prepare a statement of income and expenditure and submit the same with the books, accounts and vouchers to the Auditor before the Annual General Meeting each year. He/she shall submit a report on the financial position to the 30th day of September preceding, with the Auditor’s report at the Annual General Meeting. He/she shall also submit an interim report on the financial position, if required, at any time.
- Any surplus funds of the Society shall be retained for contingencies or used only for charitable objectives. In the event of winding-up or dissolution of the Society, any surplus assets shall not be paid to or distributed among Members of the Society but shall be given or transferred to such an institution or institutions as are recognised by law as charitable and having objectives similar to those of the Society as may be determined by the Society in General Meeting.
- To purchase or by any other means acquire and take options over any property whatever and any rights of privileges of any kind over or in respect of any property.
- To lend and advance money or give credit on such terms as may seem expedient and with or without security to customers and others, to enter into guarantees, contracts of indemnity and surety ships of all kinds, to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms and to secure or guarantee the payment of any sums of money or the performance of any obligation by any company, firm or person including any holding company, subsidiary or fellow subsidiary company in any manner.
- To borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing by mortgage, charge, standard security, or other security upon the whole or any part of the Company’s property or assets (whether present or future) including its uncalled capital and also by a similar mortgage, charge, standard security, lien or security to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company of any obligation or liability it may undertake or which may become binding on it.
ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION ETC - The Society shall have power at its Annual General Meeting to enact, renew or alter or add to the foregoing Constitution and Rules but no change either way of addition or alteration shall be mad unless with the approbation of two thirds of the members attending such meetings.
The foregoing Constitution and the Rules were adopted at the Annual General Meeting of Mid Argyll Agricultural Society held in Kilmartin Hotel on Thursday 16th November 2006 with Clause 12 being amended at the AGM of the Society held on 10th November 2010. |