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Mid-Argyll Show

History 1938 - 1950


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1938 was the jubilee year of the society and the show for that year was called the "Jubilee Show". It was also the first time a show was held on a Saturday. Gate receipts amounted to £98 12/9- a record. As it was the Jubilee Show it is worth recording the main prizewinners:-


  1. Ayrshire Cattle - McArthur, Kilmory.
  2. Commercial Cattle - Pollock, Ronachan.
  3. Highland Cattle - Currie, Cuilfail Hotel and Dalgleish, Barbreck.
  4. Sheep - Sir J. Lithgow, Ormsary.
  5. Champion Horseshoer - H. McLean, Slockavullin.
  6. Produce - Mrs McCallum, Dalnahassaig; Miss McFarlane, Badden and A. Drummond, Strathmore.

In the dog section, a gentleman, still staying in Ardrishaig, Mr A. MacVicar won with his west Highland Terriers.


The 1939 show was to be the last show until 1946 due to the Second World War. The prizewinners on the whole were the same as for 1938 and for most of the thirties. Popular events at this show at Kilmartin were horse racing, a vegetable display and the Tug-of-War. Best collection of vegetables was won by A. Stewart, Slockavullin, who still resides there. In the Tug-of-War final, Ford beat Poltalloch.


There were no shows for 6 years during the war but it is interesting to note that the society raised £3,600 towards and for the war fund, through fund raising events.


The winning of the War gave the public a sense of achievement and so the first show in 1946, called the "Victory Show" was very successful as large crowds attended. There was also a record entry of exhibitors and gate money amounted to £182. During the day Edinburgh City Police Pipeband gave selections much to the enjoyment of the large crowd. The show was held in Bank Park, Lochgilphead, which is now part of the Caravan Park. President in 1946 was Neil McNeill, Dunamuck, and the main prizewinners were:-


  1. Ayrshire Cattle - Mr. McArthur, Kilmory and P. McArthur, Brackley.
  2. Commercial Cattle - J. Wilson, Drimvore.
  3. Horses - D. Gillies, Killinochonoch; W. Black, Torbhlaren and Col. Malcolm, Poltalloch.
  4. Sheep - J. Smith, Monydrain, R. Lamont, Kiileilan and Messrs Kerr, Coulaghailtro.
  5. Shepherd's Crook - Logan Richmond, Torran.
  6. Dairy Produce - A. Drummond, Strathmore; Mrs McCallum, Dalnahassaig and Mrs Litster, Kilmichael Glassary.

Mid Argyll Agricultural Society also were responsible at this time for the hiring of a stallion each year for Mid Argyll area. This stallion was chosen by a deputation of farmers appointed by the Society from the Glasgow Stallion Show each year at a set premium. The stallion then went round the Mid Argyll farms about May to August.


Victory Show Catalogue


1948 saw the show back in Lochgilphead and a large crowd attended in good weather. Mid Argyll Pipe Band under Pipe Major Neil Crawford played throughout the day. The prizewinners were more or less the same as in 1946. In this year it is worth noting that a honey section was introduced for the first time. This was under the auspices of Mid Argyll Beekeepers Association. No record of when this association was formed but its is interesting to note that a Mid Argyll Beekeepers Association was around in 1915. The President then was a Reverend Robertson, Lochgilphead. However the main prize winners at the 1948 show were Angus Brown, Lochgilphead; Donald Crawford, Lochgilphead; Col. Gordon, Kilmartin and Mr Kerr, Coulaghailtro. This honey section survived through the 1950's with more or less the same prizewinners but as the show moved into the 60's the section ceased. With the demise of honey the flower and other industry sections increased.


In 1949 the show was held at North Lodge Field, Kilmartin and from this show onwards all cattle had to be attested. Mr. J. Wilson, Drimvore was President at the time and Mr A. MacKenzie, Ormsary was Vice-President. There were about 570 entries and it was agreed good stock was shown. 1950 saw the show return to Bank Park, Lochgilphead when 1500 spectators attended. In the Ayrshire Class there were 60 entries but no Highland Cattle due to lack of entries. The main prizewinners were:-


  1. Ayrshire Cattle - Mr McArthur, Kilmory.
  2. Sheep - R. Lamont, Killean, Toward and A. G. Black Tangy.
  3. Clydesdales - N. Vernal, Kilmartin Hotel.

An interesting winner in the dog section with a Cairn Terrier was J. Smith, Ardrishaig, believed to be the late leader of the Labour Party, who was known to have a terrier, named Cruachan as a child in Ardrishaig.


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