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Mid-Argyll Show

History 1987 - 1995


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The 1987 show was held at Castleton for the first time in good weather when the main winners were:-

  1. Ayrshire Cattle - M. & C. Ralston, Campbeltown.
  2. Beef Cattle - E. McPherson, Dalrannoch.
  3. Sheep - D. Dixon, Kilbride.

Clydesdale horses were again on show when the entry rose a little. Champion was McFadyen, Campbeltown. D. Hatton, Lochgilphead won the Goat Championship. Final comment on this show came from another grand old man of Mid Argyll/Kintyre farming, 92 year old Alex MacDougall who attending the event for the 85th successive year pronounced it "first class".


The show was now getting bigger all the time and in 1988 more side attractions were added such as old vehicles on display and rounding up sheep from a motor cycle. The winners were more or less as for 1987 when W. McLean, Lephinstrath won the Supreme Championship for the 3rd time in 4 years. Highland Cattle section was again won by Mr McLean, Balure and sheep section by Dixon & Sons. Shepherd in charge of Champion Shepherd Prize won by J. McNicol. Walking sticks/Shepherds Crooks was won by C. Lupton. There was also a dog show organised by Mrs Jean Blandford.


As the show moved out of the eighties and into the nineties it increased in size of its side attractions although not in livestock. The show now regularly includes Terrier Racing, Highland Dancing and Shinty.


There were 50 Trade Stands at the 1990 Show which was held at Killinochonoch Farm by kind permission of D. J. D. Dixon & Sons.


In 1991 Mrs Anne MacNicol, Turnalt, became the first lady President and Killinochonoch was once again the venue. A tractor Pull took the place of the usual Tug-Of-War Competition and despite poor weather the Show was very well supported by competitors and spectators.


In 1992 the Show was extended to include entries from exhibitors in Dunbartonshire and a Calf Derby was introduced. Fine weather and approaching 60 Trade Stands, together with the excellent site at Killinochonoch, made this a very successful Show. A new Quaich for Best Exhibit in the Baking Section was presented by the WRI to mark their 75th Anniversary. This was won by Betty McVean, Dalvore. Lix-Toll also presented a cup for the Landrover Pull which replaced the Tractor Pulling Competition.


In 1993, because of very wet weather conditions in weeks prior to the Show, the venue was changed to Kilmory Industrial Estate. Unfortunately, the ground did not suit some equestrian events and some competitions had to be cancelled. However, in spite of these hitches, the Show was well attended and enjoyed by all. The Dog Obedience and Guidance Group proved to be a popular main ring attraction.


1994 proved another disappointment for competitors and spectators of the Horse and Pony Classes as a respiratory tract infection occurring in horses in the area led to cancellation of all competitions. However, the 99th Show, once more at Killinochonoch Farm, under D. J. D. Dixon, Kilbride, as President was again the main event of the summer in Mid Argyll.


Archie McArthur, Kilmory, with one of his prizewinning Horses


While some members of the Committee have been involved with the Mid Argyll Show for many years, they have been joined by younger members on a regular basis so that though the best traditions are being mnintained new ideas have been contributed to ensure the continuing success of the main Agricultural Show in Argyll.


The Society were saddened at the death of Archie MacArthur, Kilmory Farm, in the 99th year of the Show as he had been a valuable member of the Committee for over 35 years.


The President for the Centenary Show, which will be held at Killinochonoch on Saturday, 12 August 1995, is Willie Smith, Balliemore.


Committee Members of the Society at the Buffet Dance.


To start off the celebrations for the Centenary a Buffet Dance was held in Cairnbaan Hotel on Friday, 24 February 1995, for Committee and friends. This was the first social event of its kind for many years and proved to be very enjoyable and so could be reinstated as an annual event.


Mid Argyll Agricultural Society's Annual Show has certainly come a long way since that first Show of 1887. It has moved from being a rural event, featuring local farmers' livestock to today's agricultural trade fair with its many and varied side attractions of non-farming kind.


However, when one looks at the Show records over the past 100 years or so, it is possible to trace farming trends and farming families through the years in Mid Argyll. Let us hope todays farmers realise the history already created over these years by the Annual Show and that they in turn will leave such a legacy for those to come by making sure that the next 100 shows are as good as those past.


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