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Mid-Argyll Show

History 1899 - 1929


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The show of 1899 featured many of the same prizewinners as in 1897 but other names appearing were:- Mr. Andrew, Drimvore; C.T. Campbell, Stonefield and J. McKinnon, Fernoch.


Some of the more unusual prizes at this show were Half a Case of Lochfyne Whisky, a pair of Steel Graips, a Case of Carvers and a Riding Bridle.


It also seems this show of 1899 was a financial success as there was an increase of £6 on the gate receipts from the previous year.


As the show moved out of Victorian times into this century it seems to have had various dates from May to August and various venues around the town of Lochgilphead.


In 1903 a special marquee was set up for dairy produce and this caused quite a stir among the public. Again the main prizewinners in 1903:- Andrew, Drimvore; McArthur, Castleton; Campbell-Orde, Kilmory and Crawford, Upper Largie. On a lighter note the "Asylum Brass Band" were in attendance at this show and gave renderings throughout the day.


By 1908 the show had grown and according to press reports of the day "a large number of the elite of the district were present". Again the main prizewinners were:McArthur, Castleton; Malcolm, Poltalloch; Andrew, Drimvore; Mitchell, Killinochonoch; Miller, Torbhlaren and McNeill, Dunamuck.


In the following years up to the 1914-18 war the show seemed to prosper and in 1912 the largest gate money yet drawn £38 4/- was recorded. The weather was beautiful and this probably helped the attendance figures. Winners were more or less the same as in 1903 and 1908.


Archie McArthur, Castleton with prize winning Bull at the 1910 Show


The show of 1913 showed an increase in cattle and horses, but fewer sporting dogs. The prizes were again won on the whole as by those in 1912 plus other farming names such as McCalman, Monydrain; Livingstone, Fernoch and Weir, Inverneil. Just in case anyone was thirsty the local branch of the B.T.W.A. (British Workers Temperance Association) had a tent on the field dispensing non-alcoholic beverages! Five a-side football was also on the programme for the first time and the final was between McLullich's Team and the High Street Boys. Musical chairs on horseback also entertained the large crowd. At the close of the show, the Show Committee, judges and a "few gentlemen friends" gathered together in the Masonic Hall for dinner. The purveying of the meal was carried out by Mr Brown of the Lochgilphead Hotel (probably now the Argyll Hotel).


With the onset of the 1914-18 war reports of the show are scarce or even non-existent. It would seem only two years were missed but this is difficult to verify.


In 1919 the show did go ahead and was in Lochgilphead with the same farmers as previously mentioned being the main prizewinners.


The 32nd Annual Show was held in Lochgilphead in June 1921 when gate receipts exceeded £70. The secretary was a Mr James Lindsay.


Main winners were Andrew, Drimvore and P. McArthur, Auchnabreck in the cattle section and R. Millar, Col. Malcolm and J. Mitchell in horses. The sheep winners were J.A. Jobling, Balliemeanoch; R. Millar, Torbhlaren and Sir Harry Lauder, Glenbranter. Dairy produce winners included, A. Drummond, Strathmore; Miss MacLarty, Kintraw; Mrs MacKechnie, Ardrishaig and Mrs McCallum, Dalnahassaig. The show in the following year 1922 was held at Kilmartin in August, 69 horses were exhibited. Main winners were J. Mitchell, Killinochonoch and A. McArthur, Kilmory.


By 1925 the show was again in the Victoria Hall Field, Kilmartin when Andrew, Drimvore; McArthur, Kilmory; Mitchell, Killinochonoch and Malcolm, Poltalloch took most of the main awards. Poltalloch Pipe Band were in attendance at this show. Some famous Mid Argyll names were in the Driving Turnout Competition, Livingstone, Fernoch; McCracken, Ardrishaig; Grinlaw, Ardrishaig and McArthur, Auchnabreac. Sir Ian Malcolm entertained the show committee and friends to dinner in the Poltalloch Victoria Hall after the show.


Kilmartin was again the main venue for the 1929 show on 9th August. There were over 400 entries about 100 more than the previous year. The Clydesdale horse entry was strong, and the report of the time stated how important such horses were to this show. The main winners were:-


  1. Aryshire Cattle - Andrew, Drimvore; A. McArthur, Kilmory and P. McArthur, Achnabreac.
  2. Highland Cattle - C. Ferguson, Leckuary and Sir Ian Malcolm, Poltalloch.
  3. Sheep - McMillan, Balliemeanoch; McDonald, Portinsherrich and McCondach, Asylum Farms.
  4. Clydesdales - James Carmichael, Lochgilphead; R. Millar, Torbhlaren, M. Andrew, Drimvore and J. Paterson Balliemore.


President in 1929 was Mr G. Livingstone, Fernoch and Secretary/Treasurer was Neil MacVicar, Poltalloch Estate Office. The Asylum Brass Band was once again in attendance.

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