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Mid-Argyll Show

History 1931 - 1937


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Hugh McArthur (13), Kilmory with prizewinners at 1931 Show, Kilmartin


As the show moved into the 1930's it rotated between Lochgilphead and Kilmartin although not always in the same field. In 1932 the show was held in Lochgilphead at Kilmory and the champions in each class were:-


  1. Ayrshire Cattle - M. Andrew, Drimvore.
  2. Commercial Cattle - Asylum Farm.
  3. Clydesdales - Sir Ian Malcolm, Poltalloch.
  4. Sheep - H. McMillan, Balliemeanoch.
  5. Dairy Produce (most points) - Mrs McCallum, Dalnahassaig.

In 1934 the show was once again at Kilmory and the President that year was P. McArthur. Number of entries was up and quality of animals good. M. Andrew again won supreme championship for Ayrshire Cattle, this being the fourth time in succession. The Clydesdale Section championship was won by J. Mitchell, Killinochonoch. Champion Horseshoer was a well known blacksmith from Bridgend, Jimmy McCallum (better known as Jimpy).


Although the local paper gave the show its usual coverage, probably the most controversial article was written by either the Editor or one of his reporters under a leader column.


This article took up about a full column of the paper and went under the heading of "Do Your Duty". It really was fairly hard hitting comment on the approach of Mid Argyll Agricultural Society to the female sex. To quote the last few paragraphs; "In our time we have witnessed one after another of the demarcations between the sexes demolished and we see no reason in the world - speaking even with the experience of life long association with tee-totalism and temperance advocacy - why the barrier that appears to slam the door in the face of the ladies should be allowed to remain. It is evident that the Society cannot do without the ladies in many ways, and the tributes paid to them for their services in the field 'purvey' proves conclusively they deserve to be allowed to take their place in the ranks of membership, committees and those preserves within the Society which today are closed to all but "mere men". We hope the Society will act on our suggestion and thereby gain in strength and stability and that the inhabitants of Lochgilphead and Mid Argyll from the lairds and civic chiefs will rally round 'their ain folk' give them whole-hearted all round loyal support they so richly deserve, and that when we have the pleasure of again joining with the Society in the annual function we shall hear glad tidings that the causes of which we earnestly plead to have justified themselves in every way as the Secretary and Treasurer's reports should demonstrate."


No answer to this article can be found in later copies of the press so we can only guess what the Society thought of the paper's suggestion.


By 1936 the show was again in Lochgilphead and gate receipts totalled £46 1/-. The President by this time was a famous character in Mid Argyll farming circles, none other than Mr Logan Richmond, Torran, better known to all as 'Logie'. It was recorded he had never missed a show since the first one in 1887. The usual names appeared as prizewinners, Andrew, Drimvore; Mitchell, Killinochonoch; Argyll & Bute Asylum Farm; McVicar, Blarbuie and Kerr, Coulaghailtro.


Mid Argyll Juvenile Pipe band under Pipe Major Finlayson were in attendance. It is also interesting to note that in 1936 the Farmers Ball was held in Poltalloch Victoria Hall and 70 couples were present. It was also the 13th Annual Ball since its inauguration. The Committee also decided to discontinue the after show dinner, which seems to have been going since the first show.


The next year, 1937, as in rotation Kilmartin was the venue and the President was Mr D. Campbell, Braevallich, Main prizewinners were:-

  1. Ayrshire Cattle - A. McArthur, Kilmory.
  2. Commercial Cattle - Sir Ian Malcolm, Poltalloch.
  3. Highland Cattle - J. P. Dalgleish, Barbreck; J. Currie, Cuilfail Hotel and D. MacLachlan, Kilbride.

The Clydesdale section had an entry of 45 which was outstanding and the supreme championship was won by A. Mitchell, Killinochonoch. The sheep section was won by P. McNaughton, Glendaruel.


At the AGM prior to the 1937 show the President raised a point which he felt was affecting the farming community in Mid Argyll. Farmers were being charged 1/3 per head for the conveyance of lambs and 1/6 per head for sheep from this district to the Glasgow market. It was agreed the charges were excessive and the secretary was instructed, if possible in conjunction with the farmers Union, to speak with the various contractors on this matter. The admission to the show of 1937 was 1/3 for adults and 6d for children.


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